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11/25/2018 17:20:53

Hope you have a great new week.  My football team won....did yours?  Hugs, Nancy

11/25/2018 16:26:22

'Hello' 100 SANTA&#039;S ROCK&#039;N YOUR STOCK&#039;N LOGO photo 4760ba32-fa96-42d5-8ecb-1866b4752ea0_zpsg9fa5rqf.jpg

400 SEASONS GREETINGS SANTA&#039;S 57 CHEVY REINDEER SLEIGH photo d2f1bac6-fe3a-4937-bd76-59e78ccafdd0_zpshbyaet3q.jpg

Have A ''SUPER WEEK'' Darci Enjoy!

Nice looking page Darci!



11/25/2018 16:11:54

11/25/2018 14:49:21

Good afternoon Darci,
Your page looks so festive. I used to love the ribbon candy but haven't had it in years.
Sounds like you have a great start on the holidays. I managed to put up some holly branches, bows and garland outside
this afternoon. will put up a little tree maybe this week. really missed one last year.
It is so gloomy and damp outside but there is a fire going in the fireplace and there is a Christmas movie playing!
it was quite a hurdle to get over finding out about the engagement already but knew it would be coming. yea good luck to her, the
trap that's being spun looks sweet and charming right now, ha ha
Hope you have a great afternoon and a good start to the week. Hugs,Rhonda

11/25/2018 10:57:39


All our family Thanksgivings are over so time to deck the halls!  Hope you've had a wonderful weekend and getting in the Christmas spirit : )  Darc, I knew you would have your Christmas page done this morning and it is SO cute!  My weekend was full and have't been on the Hill much.  Thanksgiving at the farm was wonderful - great food, played lots of games, and the kids went shopping after dinner.  I stayed behind and watched Halmark : )  Then yesterday at my sister's we had a rowdy bunch watching OSU beat up TTUN : )  Food was great and my sister always has Thanksgiving bingo and lots of fun games.  So we were all full and happy by bedtime!  Drove home this morning and there was very little traffic.  Only took about 55 minutes so just a nice drive, listening to my Christmas CD's. : )  I am so thankful for you too, my friend, and I pray that one day we will meet face-to-face!  Enjoy the weeks ahead!
Love and Hugs, Nancy

11/25/2018 09:47:39

waiting for the snow, they are saying 8 to 12 inches...don't have to go anywhere so let it snow...hope your sunday is a pleasant one...hugs

11/25/2018 08:28:18

11/25/2018 07:45:59
Love and Laughter, Janay

11/25/2018 06:22:23

11/25/2018 02:37:49




11/24/2018 20:47:37

So here I am finally..checking in at the Hill. Spent much of the day finishing up much needed household duties. Got homemade cornbread dressing made, chicken salad, and Belgium waffles. That is a biggie for me..guess my energy level came out of somewhere..so tomorrow I will probably be dragging. Wishing you a beautiful weekend Darci.

11/24/2018 10:27:29

Good Morning Darci, hope your holiday was good. We had a nice one with plenty of good food and enjoyed our day with family.  The weather was cool and nice so we ate outside. That made the cleanup easier afterwards. It's raining here again and hope it stops soon. Our home team plays their season ender today and it would be better if they didn't have to play with a wet football. lol.  Hope your day is good whatever you're up to.  loveya, Beth

11/24/2018 09:31:02

good morning! hope your thanksgiving was a joyful day, i certainly ate way too much food. now we are on to christmas...don't you just love this time of year? wishing you a really happy day...hugs

11/24/2018 08:21:21
Good Morning Darci. Have an enjoyable Weekend.
Hugs and Smiles, Janay

11/24/2018 06:24:07

Good morning &
happy weekend .Enjoyed the Thanksgiving dinner with family & friends
.Having a nice warm weekend here so took advantage of it & got all
of the outdoor decorations up yesterday & today the indoor so next
week will get all of the greeting cards addressed .Going to call the
appliance repair to check out our fridge. The temp seems to be holding
at about 45 degrees which is to me a little warm . Hope you have a good
weekend & new week......George

Hello my friends

11/24/2018 06:02:46

11/24/2018 02:06:33




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