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12/10/2023 19:00:37

Got Christmas cards finished..an all day project. Mosnday cleaning day🎄🙂🎄

12/10/2023 17:55:20

Darci Dear...

You know, after listening to the Al Stewart song "Year of the Cat", I expected to like the scent of patchouli:  
While she looks at you so cooly
And her eyes shine like the moon in the sea
She comes in incense and patchouli
So you take her, to find what's waiting inside
The year of the cat..."

Alas, it's a very strong scent and isn't one I care for.  Of course, when I smelled it, it was an essential oil and that is the strongest version of any scent.  So perhaps if it was (moderately) used in something (like soap or wax melts, as you do)--I may have a different opinion.  At any rate, people the world over have differing likes and dislikes and this is what makes the world so exciting to be in.  Think how boring it would be if we were all alike in our feelings on each and every thing.  Not that it isn't good to find a person who shares at least some of your interests and sensibilities, but you grow as a person when you have interactions and welcome into your circle those who live(d) in different places, grew up with traditions that are not yours, grew up with a different cuisine, learned other things in school(s) and in life.  It's my hope that we all adapt the best from others and allow them the things about themselves that don't mesh with our own selves so much.  We enlarge the scope of human capabilities by learning what others do, think, enjoy or dislike--then perhaps learning a new skill or trying a new activity based on what our friend has introduced us to.  To quote another song, "And I think to myself...what a wonderful world!"

I had my back go out on me, so I've been avoiding sitting for too long a time, as it's the hardest on me when my back is recovering.  I'm doing fairly well, but still have to be careful not to do something to put it at risk again.  And what dumb thing put it out?  I got out of a chair.  Yeah, it's never anything major that seems to be what shoots it out, but rather something mundane and ordinary, so it's not like I could just stop doing one particular thing and avoid this mess in the future.  Humbug!  But at least I had the house decorated and the tree, too, before I was forced into catching up on my reading while my back settled and healed.  

We had our first snow.  It was heavy and "wet" and was about 3-4", so everything was beautiful and peaceful while it lasted.  Since then, we've only had rain when moisture is in the air.  However, we've had some beautiful days of clear blue skies with a brisk breeze to swirl the leaves, too.  Right now we are back in the rainy days with plenty of deep clouds overhead and a new "pond" in our backyard since the ground is saturated enough that the new rain (at least in that area) has nowhere to go.  Eventually it will be absorbed, but in the meantime, one of our apple trees has a wide moat surrounding it.  But it's not deep enough (and we're in the wrong part of the country) for crocodiles.  So there's that.  It's a relatively safe 'ring around the rosie' (apples).   

Excuse me, please.  I had to get up and do something else for a time to allow my back to loosen up.  Almost all of the dishes are washed except one large plastic cutting board and a grungy roasting pan that we've had forever.  The dishwasher is taking care of the ones that I didn't.  The washing machine is on an extra spin so the clothes get wrung out of as much water as possible before going into the dryer.  I did a little sweeping and cleaned litter boxes--never anyone's favorite job--and now my back needs to rest again.  It's a balancing act and I'm a clumsy sort--which may be why my back continues to plague me.  Oh well.  I'm above dirt, have a wonderful family, a home, good food to eat with a wood stove and pellet stove to help keep our house warm and dry.  Life is good!

We have cut back on what we do at Christmas, so there is no wrapping to do (we don't exchange gifts anymore, as we all have plenty of 'stuff') and with our weight being a concern, I don't bake like I used to.  My husband continues to make a very large batch of chocolate fudge (though he's not feeling great right now--some kind of chest cold or allergy that has him feeling less than his best) and I still like to make the ginger bears.  Well, I like to have them, as they are my favorite Christmas cookie.  But shaping the little beasts is the real 'bear', as each one requires rolling 9 balls of dough of differing sizes.  I think I need to borrow a preschooler or early grade school kid.  You know, the ones at Playdough age? They might get a kick out of rolling that many balls of dough.  

How exciting that Dave spotted that deer in the field behind your place!  Over the summer, we didn't see much of the local deer.  I think they high-tailed it to the deeper woods to escape both the heat and the flies as much as possible.  As the weather shuts down, though, we should be seeing more of them as they come around to see if the 'Apple Lady' is still putting out.  Ha-ha-ha!  They are such beautiful creatures, but I do miss the ones who were bold enough to come right up to me to get their apple slices.  With the matriarch gone and her first daughters not coming around, either...the younger ones aren't as used to me and so are more cautious.  Some won't even get close enough for me to toss them an apple slice or two.  Their loss, I guess, but maybe it's not such a bad thing--especially if they're bucks, as they have to deal with hunters later on in life, so it's better if they're wary of humans.  

Thanksgiving was fairly quiet, as our daughter had to work, so wasn't able to come.  Instead, we brought my mother over (she only lives 3-4 miles away) and she spent the day with us.  Turns out that may have been a very good thing, as my brother spent the day with his wife's family and some of them came down with Covid after a few days.  They are alright, but with Mom being almost 88, anything like that would hit her hard.  I hope you and all of your family are keeping healthy, nurturing the Christmas spirit and doing your best to turn the tide of holiday Grinches and Scrooges who can darken days so much worse than daylight savings with the early darkness that brings.  Have a beautiful Christmas season, friend Darci...I am so very grateful we found each other!

In case I don't get back around before then...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Love and Hugs,

12/10/2023 14:35:31

Happy Sunday to you Darci,

How has your weekend been? Its been a rainy day here but looks like it will stop in time for a nice sunny week. Hopefully this will be the week the roofers come and remove my skylight that has been leaking. thankfully they covered it with a tarp for now!

I skyped with Amanda and the kids ealier. The kids are so excited about Christmas and they did their Christmas countdown so i could share the moment with them. Even their kitty and dog get count down treats! isnt that fun! thay act like 2 little kids ha ha!

It's time to pick up a new crochet project i started last night and enjoy a Christmas movie.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend and have a wonderful week ahead. Hugs,Rhonda

12/10/2023 12:32:49

Good day scraps, graphics and comments for myspace, orkut, friendster

12/10/2023 12:24:31

Hello and nice to see you again!

Thank You For Your Sweet Visits My Friend , 

God Bless & And Have A Wonderful Day .


12/10/2023 12:20:58

Sunday Graphics and Comments for Orkut Myspace hi5

12/10/2023 12:19:09

We got another needed rain... a deluge,
and no wind damage. Others
weren't as lucky:(  Greetings for
a peaceful today. *hugs* -di
PS: Your page is soooo pretty, Darci!

12/10/2023 11:28:59

That is the ROTARY LIGHTS. This is after it closed. I think I sent you a pic the other day of when it was going at night with all the Christmas lights

Sapphire wrote:

How pretty. I love cities at night. All lit up and shining!

diffuser wrote:

6:45 this morning

May be an image of 1 person

12/10/2023 10:43:53


12/10/2023 10:07:51

Good Morning ...Have a good day!

12/10/2023 08:43:20

12/10/2023 08:38:10

12/10/2023 07:03:50

12/10/2023 06:59:13

6:45 this morning

May be an image of 1 person

12/10/2023 05:31:02

Are you a Swiftie?

May be an image of 1 person, fur coat and text that says '2023 PERSON OF THE YEAR SWIFT TAYLOR time.com'

May be an image of 1 person, wrist watch and text that says 'DEC. 2023 PERSON OF THE YEAR SWIFT TAYLOR TIAC time.com'

May be an image of 1 person and text that says '2023 PERSON OF THE YEAR TAYLOR SWIFT TIME time.com'

12/10/2023 05:28:57


Sunday is upon us again and that means the weekend is half over already.  Where did the first 1/3 of December go?  


One day after we did the yard, the WIND blew most of the remaining leaves off the trees.  Soon there will not be a leaf left and we still have 2 months of winter to come.  


What a great month this is to celebrate though.  A month to see excitement as children's eyes light up and also to celebrate Jesus' birthday.  


Share the blessings of this month and Christmas every day with those you meet and remember to visit those that are lonely.  Most of all, share your Love!  



12/10/2023 05:11:44

The rain moved thru our area, last night, just as I was settling in to bed. Heard the rain throughout the night, metal roof, but nothing major happened, even though some tornadoes did touch down in the stste...



Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για gif happy sanday images4b83f73660b6a97793f83b92242b2214

12/10/2023 05:00:05

Happy Sunday. 29* heading to 32* later. A touch of snow on the grass. I plan on sequestration today, totally, with the exception of throwing out the water. Even then it will be off the porch instead of the street. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet! 

May be an illustration

12/10/2023 04:44:55

Hello, if you can read me, I send you a good hug.

great, if not, I just wish that life hugs you

For me, I carry you here inside my heart,

Smile, there is always a reason and if there isn't,

  May today have one of those beautiful days, 

that from early on brighten the soul. with all my

love, and friendship, I wish you a nice Sunday, with

big hugs, Maria, take care of yourself, kisses

12/10/2023 03:07:10

12/10/2023 02:35:24

12/09/2023 22:43:49


12/09/2023 22:43:39

Good morning (she said)!  From one Christmas freak to another..... I adore everything about the Festive Season as Christmas has always meant something very special and as for the pretty decorations, lights, and the whole spirit of the Season - there's nothing like it and I'm happy to hear all your news! You have never neglected me - your warm spirit is HERE and it never fades! Meanwhile, wishing you all the joy of the season as we head closer to a meaningful time very soon! Love & hugs from me xo

12/09/2023 19:11:05

May be an image of text that says 'Sun 10 34°/19° Mostly Sunny Mon 11 39°/25° 4% Tue 12 Mostly Sunny 32°/19° 7% Mostly Sunny Wed 13 38°/27 3% Sunny 2%'

12/09/2023 18:06:26

Will be doing some baking and working on Christmas cards Sunday. Sounds like lots of rain headed our way.

12/09/2023 14:21:51

♥Just stopped by to say HI!♥

♥and I hope you have a blessed day.♥

♥Enjoy the weekend sweet friend♥..

♥Thank you for stopping by♥


12/09/2023 12:28:15

not as nice looking during the day

May be an image of 2 people

12/09/2023 10:29:16

Happy Saturday, Darci. Are  you finishing
up a Christmas chore today? Maybe shopping
or addressing cards accompanied by
Christmas music... perfect! Tis the Season
to be jolly... enjoy:)💗💚🎄💚

12/09/2023 09:38:26

12/09/2023 08:42:21

Morning Darci, wishing you a warm and cozy weekend, friend. 

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