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11/09/2023 02:40:37

HELLO, With love I wish you a HAPPY THURSDAY.

Live life with JOY, because behind a SMILE. LIFE

looks much BETTER, life is very hard I say this

from EXPERIENCE, mine is a disaster I try to assimilate

 but it is not EASY I WISH YOU, the best for you

and YOUR FAMILY, from the heart, with FRIENDSHIP, 

YOU I leave BIG HUGS, Maria

11/09/2023 01:48:48

11/08/2023 22:16:54

11/08/2023 20:01:15

Have been to two grocery stores since Saturday, but I think I a, stocked up on most of what I need. Made some keto fat bombs a few days ago. This weekend I'm going to try a new keto bread recipe..also chocolate chip cookies (keto) It's been a busy week, but looking forward to slowing down. I need to get a few things at Aldi too soon. 🙂

11/08/2023 18:24:11


11/08/2023 14:38:12


Hi there. I hope you are having a good day. Its much cooler here today. Only 69* with a breeze. it was cloudy this morning, but the clouds are now gone and the sun is shining. Going to make a hamburger pizza for our meal tonight. Doesn't that sound good? I think it does. Well enjoy the rest of your day and take care. Hugs, Cheryl

11/08/2023 11:30:05

G'mornin', Darci!  I think I see
Friday just around the corner.
I still love that day of the
week:)  *hugs* -di

11/08/2023 09:44:42

11/08/2023 09:41:26


Good Wednesday Morning!  May I pour you a cup of coffee?  


This morning we can color.  It is so peaceful and relaxing to me.  Do you ever color?  


It is satisfying to see the end results.  Now you know I love Giraffes!  


I love animals and the color orange and all shades of it.  


I guess by now you know I love flowers too.  So I am sharing them with you.  


11/08/2023 08:06:18

♥ Hello dear ♥

♥ Thank you so much ♥

♥ for your kindness,friendship.♥

11/08/2023 08:04:51

Hi there Darci! Just sitting around reminiscing & organzing pics. Taking them out of crumbling photo albums & putting them in a plastic organizing case. Have a good Wednesday!🦊

11/08/2023 06:36:49

11/08/2023 05:48:42

HELLO, TODAY, WEDNESDAY, is going to be a GREAT 

DAY for YOU,  you just have to ENJOY all the

small PLEASURES that surround you. I want you,

Have a BEAUTIFUL DAY and ENJOY it, to your TASTE

full of JOY, peace, and much HAPPINESS, WITH


your friend,Maria.......

11/08/2023 04:40:44

Good morning.  Happy HUMP DAY. 40* this morning on the street.  I managed to get my walk in this morning even though it was like pulling teeth to get out the door.  I had no ambition to start the day but I succeeded.  I am planning a trip over to Walmart in approximately 1.5 hours, give or take 13 seconds.  A semi emergency.  If I do not get there, the world shall not end.  As I walked down the street this morning, I noticed quite a few Christmas decorations being up, or partially completed.  One might think it is early for that.  However I noticed quite a few residents of the site have already started decorating their pages.  Some of these decorations are brutal.  Some are celebrating winter.  What's wrong with these people!  The only thing I can think of is that they live south of the Mason Dixon Line and don't know what winter really is like.  Too many Bing Crosby movies on TV.  I leave you now with the thought that we most likely will survive another day.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of 6 people and television

11/08/2023 04:38:30

Good morning Darci, midweek already? Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.

35 Best Places in the World to See Fall Foliage in 2023
Blessed Be my dear friend. *Hugs*

11/08/2023 02:59:28

Turning a new sunrise into a beautiful day depends on you ... live every moment with enthusiasm, even if the circumstances are adverse. Happy wednesday!  kisses for you.

11/08/2023 01:58:59

11/08/2023 00:38:38

*positive, that was supposed to read 🙂

11/08/2023 00:36:36

Sapphire wrote:

Ah, November has arrived. A month of thankfulness and feasting. It has come in with a big chill in my area. Air conditioning on one day, heat on the next. And I know my friends back home in PA have snow already. Whatever the weather, let's enjoy the day.

Sent with smiles~


  Hi Darci no snow at my house yet shhhhh lol it is 34 as I am typing this.  We could get the white stuff any day now I suppose.  Oh well the first one is always pretty.  Have to think postice about it hehe

11/07/2023 23:32:19

I love ALL those awesome turkeys!!

11/07/2023 23:10:16

Good evening dear friend, thank you so much for bearing with me when I was absent in here.  You're friendship is a precious gift of God to Me.  Love you always and forever.

Good night and sweet dreamss. 


[ Dte 

11/07/2023 21:31:48


11/07/2023 18:38:55

No description available.

11/07/2023 18:26:07

11/07/2023 16:11:48

Good afternoon or soon to be evening. I don't like how early it gets dark here. Its been a nice day here with tempertures in the 80s. Tomorrow it will be back to normal tempertures in the low 60's. How has your day been? Mine has been nice. Went to Walmart this morning and got the things we needed. Well I will go for now. You take care my friend.Many hugs to you, Cheryl

11/07/2023 15:45:35


11/07/2023 15:27:58

11/07/2023 11:01:08

good afternoon Darci, the pastry blender in the pic you shared was just like Mama used. I have one too but it's the kind with the plastic handle. I know your crescent rolls must be so yummy. Happy today.

11/07/2023 10:42:29

Sending You Hugs

Wanted to stop in and wish you a wonderful week

...I hope that whatever you are doing

that you are doing it with a beautiful smile on your

precious face. Take care..God Bless Always.


11/07/2023 10:35:35

Goodmorning myspace orkut friendster comments

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