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06/11/2024 01:34:08

Good morning my dear friend, I hope you have a fantastic Tuesday! Many kisses

06/11/2024 01:23:48

06/10/2024 20:12:25

A busy Monday..and it's heating up here..one more day of low 80's, then we will see 90 the remainder of this week..I'm not ready, but may as well grin and bear it. On a positive thought, we are one day closer to Fall🙂🌸🙂

06/10/2024 15:16:30

it's that time of year in the colonies

May be an image of cherries and text

06/10/2024 14:29:15

06/10/2024 14:09:50

06/10/2024 11:05:06

06/10/2024 09:45:43

06/10/2024 07:36:33

Open photo

06/10/2024 05:27:38


Here we go again!  This new week in June is ours for the taking and exploring!  


Jump for Joy!  It is Monday and a new week to look forward to what the Lord will bring us!  


Stand tall and be on the lookout for something wonderful this week.  


If you don't have any special plans, then come on over!  We will share some quiet time together.  


We can visit, solve all our problems and take time to smell the flowers.  


06/10/2024 05:05:35

Hello, Happy, BEGINNING, of the WEEK, May all, your

goals are met, and that nothing, and no one, takes away from them,

your happiness, Enjoy, HERE, and NOW, because,

LIFE is an eternal present, I wish you, one,

 BRIGHT, full, of LIGHT, and JOY. May you have,

I wish that each day of your life is better than the previous one,

May you always have a reason to smile and never,

I missed you, an illusion, I leave you, big hugs, Maria

06/10/2024 03:40:41

Good morning Darci, have a great start to your week.

Happy Monday flower... - Pick Me ...
Blessed Be my dear friend. *Hugs*

06/10/2024 03:36:10

May be an image of text that says 'HAPP MONDAY The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best Today. @ttankstoyor'

06/10/2024 03:17:39

You know, life could be simpler, if only your dental caps would never come loose. You know what I mean?...



Monday-Keep-in-TouchΑποτέλεσμα εικόνας για gif happy monday images

06/10/2024 02:23:01

Hello my sweet friend...Nice week for you. Happy Monday! Kisses.

06/10/2024 01:38:59

06/09/2024 23:08:56

Big hugs and smiles, Jackie

06/09/2024 23:08:17

Sapphire wrote:

This photo takes me back to childhood. On a steamy day like today, we'd don our bathing suits and go play in the creek that ran through our property. So refreshing, Jackie. Then we'd come home and hang our suits over the porch railing to dry. I miss those days of innocence! We've done our errands and grocery pick up and now I'm going to start a new crochet project (a sun hat). Have a great afternoon/evening.

Steamy sunshine~


Oh that looks so refreshing Darci 😍 My favorite thing was swimming as a child.  We lived not too far from the beaches in FL but I loved swimming in pools.  I could swim all day and even when the water was cold I would try to convince others to get in and just move around lots and the would warm up lol I did convince a few along the way hehe.  You were so blessed to live by a creek! I would love to live by a creek, stream or babbling brook one day.  Oh and a mountain too.  My brother in noeth GA has all of those haha.  Isn't grocery pick up so wonderful?  Hope you are enjoying your new sun hat project and it is relaxing for you :) 

06/09/2024 18:38:37

Open photo

06/09/2024 17:22:32

    Hello Darci,

    How are you and those roosters coming along?  I hear that roosters have a mean streak.  My grandmother use to have chickens when I was little.  My uncle would do away with a rooster every now and again.  Once I was peeking out the window and seen him chop the head off a rooster.  He had it by the legs and held it up on a stump and chopped the head off with a hatchet.  Oh gawd!  I was only about 7 years old, but that image has always stayed with me.  The rooster was hopping around the yard without a head.  Cringe worthy stuff.

  Thought I'd stop by to say hello.  Hope your Monday is going well

   *hugs*   Darlene

06/09/2024 16:24:05

Good Night Darci

06/09/2024 13:27:19

A happy Sunday to you Darci,

I hope you are finding time to enjoy the day and rest before the new week begins.
It's been a quiet day so far.

Have a great afternoon. Hugs,Rhonda

06/09/2024 11:46:51

Looks like summer has moved in early..been staying in as much as possible. The week and weekend have been a blur. We hope to have our shed finished around the 20th. Metal (for roof) is in back order. But it's come along very fast. We're having the roof replaced on our small shed too with metal. Then he will pressure wash the house and picnic table. Once we get everything outside completed, we can start focusing on getting rooms changed inside. Maybe by end of the summer it will all be done. Enjoy the new week ahead -:)

06/09/2024 10:49:23

Do what makes your soul shine.

Joyful Sunday to you !

Sending love♥


06/09/2024 10:22:01

I went out for a walk this morning. Dawn was breaking so it was still rather dark. I was walking north on a thoroughfare with not a lot of traffic due to it being Sunday. At that point a fox was trotting south a bit over in a driveway of a company this writer had previously toiled in. We were looking at one another suspiciously. A pretty fox, not that I am one to judge them. All of a sudden I felt like I was in the movie BULLITT. I turned to see if an attack was imminent from behind. The fox had stopped trotting, looking into a bush. He walked into the bush area, and I was wondering if he was living there. All of a sudden the fox was running full speed through the bushy area. I had no idea of the circumstances. Then, all of a sudden, a rabbit exits and goes back the way it came, south. I thought it had killed the fox. But then the fox appeared and followed the rabbit. The fox got to the point of entrance of the rabbit and entered back into its destiny. The writer/walker continued on not knowing the end of the story. I thought of interacting but realizing it is nature. The fox was impervious to this writer/walker's presence. I feel like I was in a Big Al Hitchcock movie. I shall not make the judgment of who is right and who is wrong, but just glad to be alive to report this interaction. Live long and prosper. This pic is not today. Last July.

No photo description available.

06/09/2024 10:11:39

Hello my friend  Darci , hope you have a lovely day. 

Kisses for you, Grace

Story pin image

06/09/2024 08:48:05

06/09/2024 08:41:03

Just sharing a love for strawberries-my mini collection sets out from May thru July.🍓

06/09/2024 08:29:38

Hello my dear friend...Happy sunday!   kisses and hugs.

06/09/2024 07:55:50


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