Good afternoon to you. It's a chilly,cloudy and windy day here. I forgot how windy March is. I hope your day has been good. Mine hasn't been to bad. I had to start taking my Mucinex DM again. I quit taking it to soon and my symtoms came back yesterday. We have a chance for snow showers this weekend. The weather here just can't make up it's mind if we are going to have spring or winter weather. I would rather have spring weather. I have put a picture in my gallery of the dozen red roses my husband got me for out Anniversay. They are very pretty. Enjoy the rest of your day my friend and take care. Hugs to you, Cheryl
Et bien ici Justalice ce n'est ni pluie ni neige mais un beau soleil toute la semaine on revit un avant goût de printemps, la pluie on en a eu suffisamment tout l'hiver. Bonne soirée mon amie et à demain.
Good Afternoon Alice, the March winds are still wild here and they are kinda chilly today. I'm making a chocolate buttercream cake for my unbirthday. :)
Our weather has been sporadic as always..yesterday, 54. Looking ahead, next week seems to be leveling out to the 70's. My daffodils are still not blooming. Their up, but no blooms at all. Our grass will need to be cut soon. Winter here can linger for a while yet.
Good Thursday Morning! It is still dark and cold. In just a few days, the time will be an hour later and it won't be quite as dark.
We will have to stay up later to catch the moon coming up. Are you a night person?
Or are you an early riser and one who doesn't get to see the moon in the middle of the night?
I am both! I love watching the crack of dawn as the sun comes up and to see all the different colors God paints in the sky. I also love the night and all the stars.
I don't need as much sleep as the "average" calls for. So I am giddy with excitement that we lose an hour and have more sun later in the day.
No matter if you like mornings or late nights, I pray for you to have joy in your heart!
Girl, It is very windy here and was mixed with rain earlier. Evening news says, snow and black ice could be in our area tonight!! Went to our eye doctor this morning. Funeral after that appt. A 65 yr. old lady in our neighbor hood, passed away. I am very grateful to have been born here, but at times, I feel like we have been invaded by aliens. I should not think that way! It is so mixed up! Be safe and know I appreciate your friendship! Shirley
Happy WINDY Wednesday. Holy cannoli, it's a "hang on to your hat" kind of day. It's warm and nearly 70* so it's pleasant outside if you can keep from blowing over. hehe. My work for today is completed so now I will see what I can get into that doesn't get me into trouble or into the refrigerator! Have a great afternoon and evening.