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03/01/2025 08:32:20

Good Morning Alice...Try to smile often...and have a good weekend..hugs

03/01/2025 08:05:30

𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓮!


03/01/2025 06:59:31


03/01/2025 05:43:33


Happy Caturday but today is Saturday!  And it is more about my dogs, AGAIN!   It is also about our BEAUTIFUL sunshine in Texas.


It is also the first day of March!  Can you believe it???  


I couldn't resist taking this of Carly and her shadow. Carly has been with us since 2018.  As I sat in the rocking chair on the patio for over 2 hours on Friday with the warm sunshine on me too.  


Reba came out to join us all as she strolled the backyard to make sure we were all safe.  Reba has been with us since 2013.  All our dogs are rescued.


J Lo was napping in the sun and guarding the doggie door so no one could get past her without the password.  J Lo has been with us since 2014.  


The password was to call her name! She is really a cutie patootie!  Next adventure in pictures from Friday later today, I hope, from our over an hour on FaceTime with my daughter, Wendy.  


I hope you have signs of March and Spring around you and are enjoying them.  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/01/2025 04:44:18

Hello dear friend, have a nice weekend...Lots of kisses

03/01/2025 04:39:34

Welcome March! Happy new month!

Saturday at last! Happy weekend !


03/01/2025 03:58:20

Hello my beautiful friend,Alice, I am passing by

your lovely house and I want to leave you

with my best wishes for Saturday and the weekend, 

that joy runs through your body and smiles 

sprout on your face, doing what you like most,

with good company of your loved ones, today 

sweep away all the bad that happened to you, so

 that, it does not matter if it rains or is sunny,

the important thing is to have a great time, 

do it your way, I send you a big hug,

I will arrive at your house at tea time

and some delicious pastries will ring in your

house knock knock and you open the door and I will

bring you a bouquet of flowers take care maria

03/01/2025 03:49:25

Good morning dear Alice, wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Happy Saturday!
Blessed Be..*Hugs*

03/01/2025 02:07:00

03/01/2025 01:27:21

Bon week-end Justalice


02/28/2025 22:33:50

Pin page

The 5 Most Beautiful Flowers to Use in Your Flower Arrangement - Simi  Flowers and Gifts

02/28/2025 09:17:25

Happy weekend, Alice.

02/28/2025 08:09:38


02/28/2025 06:28:19

Good morning Alice, last day of February. Where does all the time go?? Wishing you a fabulous Friday.

Happy Friday Good Morning Beautiful Flower
Blessed Be..*Hugs*

02/28/2025 06:20:05


Final Friday and final day of February is here.  Now I know Easter is late this year and we can have a freeze up until Easter, but I hope NOT and NO more Snow either.  How about you?


However, again, I don't know about you, but where I live the pollen count is already high and I am having trouble breathing!  Now is that a good sign or not?  


Just because February is almost over doesn't mean that Hearts are gone.  I fell in love with this and wanted to say Thank You for being my friend.  


The leaves are NOT on the trees yet, but we can still gather together and support each other.  I have a bird that loves to sing loud and proud that the weather has changed some.  I just haven't caught him or her in a video yet.  

Before you know it, we will see flowers blooming everywhere and there will be beautiful fresh cut flowers on the table!  

2025 is going by very fast and yet we didn't think the cold and snow would ever leave.  February has wonderful blessings but we say goodbye and we will see you next year.  Bring on the March Blessings!  

02/28/2025 03:49:54

Hello, friend,Alice, happy Friday, you can turn this 

new day into something beautiful,you just have 

to decorate it with a little joy and excitement,

 we are here today,tomorrow, who knows,don't

look back,look ahead, continue the diet of joy, a

smile every morning and a thank you at the end of

the day, be happy,if you don't know if you live or dream, 

I'm going to blow away those dark clouds so

that your day is a day of success, with a ray of

light to illuminate your day, if you're happy,

I am too,big kisses Maria, take care 

02/28/2025 02:37:42

02/28/2025 02:29:54

Bonjour Justalice


02/28/2025 02:22:34

Hello dear friend, have a wonderful Friday! Hugs

02/27/2025 21:44:01

Good Morning

Pin page

02/27/2025 18:08:23

This may contain: a cartoon dog sitting in front of a rainbow with the caption i wonder if we ever think about each other at the same timeHello Alice! Wednesday was good, just busy. Today was fine for us. I had to take me a nap before preparing supper tonight. All is well here. I hope all has been good for you!! Hugs Shirley

02/27/2025 13:46:56

Bonne soirée Justalice et à demain


02/27/2025 09:27:49


Good Thursday Morning!  After working for three days, this was taken when I got home yesterday.  We had 3 beautiful days in the 70's.  Last night we had a 15% chance of rain.  We got about 1/4" with thunder and lightning between 1-3 am.  


When I walked in the house, this is what I saw... Reba had pulled her bed out in the middle of the room.  It is supposed to be under the coffee table.  


Then J Lo comes in and is like... What happened to our bed?  Why are you out there?  


She finally gives up and just gets in it too.  I mean they share it together most of the time.  So about 3 am this morning, I finally moved it under the table again.  After all, we were up because Reba doesn't like thunder or lightning and was vibrating.  


This morning Carly was trying to catch up on her sleep because of the comotion during the rain, lightning and thunder from last night.  No sleep for me because hubby and I have to run errands today.  


Just wanted to say I missed you while I was enjoying my time at work.  I tried to answer your posts while I was working though each evening.  Thanks so much for remembering me and being such a terrific friend.  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

02/27/2025 08:27:44

Morning My Sweet Friend Alice :-)  

02/27/2025 07:21:45


02/27/2025 06:11:31

Good morning dear Alice, have a beautiful Thursday.

Free Winter Forest Sunset Image ...
Blessed Be..*Hugs*

02/27/2025 06:07:24

Hello justalice.Quote Sms and Message Blog: Best 30 Inspirational Good Morning Messages ...

02/27/2025 03:29:28

Hello, friend,Alice, another day, may your Thursday 

be as special as you are. I wish you the best. 

 It's not that I forget, I can't resist greeting 

you every day it's my custom. I love the serenity

 of certain hours,while I drink a delicious coffee 

 and clear my head every morning I feel better

 and I leave you my best wishes to start a new day

with energy and that you smile one more day

and forever is the best medicine

a smile on your face lights up your day

may today you have new surprises that life

gives us, may each day illuminate you and you be happier

you be happier than the last. I send you big 

hugs,take care of them, I will do the same

take care of yourself, Maria

02/27/2025 02:16:24

Bonne journée Justalice


02/27/2025 01:41:10

Hello sweet friend, have a wonderful Thursday! Hugs

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