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Embrace the New Year
Posted On: 12/31/2021 16:35:37

It has, once again, been a doozy of a year. That is, at least, something we can all agree on. I will embrace 2022 with a hopeful spirit we will all see light at the end of the tunnel. We know it’s there..we simply must choose to see it and believe in it.

Most New Year’s adages urge us to put the events of the recent year behind us. “Out with the old and in with the new”…yet, if these adages encouraged forgetting…if they insisted that we erase the past, then I would want nothing to do with them. History likes to show us who’s boss when we’re foolish enough to try and pull a fast one.

A new year reminds us to also begin a fresh start. Like the simple turn of a calendar page, we somehow figure these new beginnings and fresh adjustments in how we did things prior, will happen effortlessly come Jan 1. I’m sure you can write a good story on that one. This simple feat usually ends up becoming a tall order. But we must acknowledge that whatever happened in the old year, (easy or hard), led us to this moment. That it had purpose, even if we can’t yet understand what it is.

2021 had a fierce grasp. Typing this, I wonder if years from now, I will look back and find myself feeling very much the same. Still, my heart prevails by reminding me no matter what transpired this year, I was truly blessed.

So as we embrace yet another new year, don’t look back with regret. Let it open up positive elements in your day to day world, no matter what comes your way. When I think of the new year in terms of my own family and friends, my wish is that 2022 opens up beautifully, with all of my dear ones in good health…and each busy and happy in their own peculiar way.

Never regret a day in your life; good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories.

Happy New Year

Tags: #NewYear #2022 #Old #New


Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Comments

01/04/2022 23:31:48

Actually the last two years has been as bust, MTC, ever since this Covid has come for a visit.  Although we have probably lost someone that we have known to this horrible disease, we are blessed to have come thru last year.  Every day that we wake up is another chance to enjoy this life - we have a do-over to make things right, explore new things or just relax.  So here's to a New Year for everyone to have fun, spend time with our families and friends and most importantly, to have happiness and  good health.  Thanks, MomtoCam

01/02/2022 11:34:22

Very true, Lisa. As bad as 2021 was (and I know it was a stinker for many of us) we are still enormously blessed.  Each day is a gift, so we'll continue to be thankful no matter what. God bless us all in 2022.  Onward and upward!

01/01/2022 05:03:08

I agree with a new new year let's not erase the past one. A new year is new beginnings. A fresh start to learn and go forward from the lessons of the previous year. As crazy as it has been especially the last two years, I too feel very blessed.

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