Been Married for 53 years now to a wonderful man.He was my rock when I developed Cancer. I love him Dearly. Have 2 Sons, 2 Grandchildren, only one Sister. My Sister has been taking me for my treatments at a Hospital in Ann Arbor. It has been a wonderful sister time we have been having together. My Husband and I have started driving for Meals on Wheels part time. We love going and helping other elderly people. Its easy to get attached to them. It is much more rewarding mentally than when I worked before I retired. It is a relaxed atmosphere. I only hope I can get strong enough to go back to delivering the meals to these very nice people.
to go for walks,visit with friends and family,Iam really enjoying retirement so far. It is amazing when you are younger you seem to take a lot for granted. Now as I am older I appreciate a lot of things. I guess I am saying I just enjoy every aspcect of my life right now.
loud rude people,dishonesty, spiders and snakes,actually I don't like much of any insects. I'll have to think about the rest.