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Getting older isn’t so bad ~
Posted On: 04/29/2021 19:04:33

Recently this past week I was out running a few errands in town. Mind you, I usually limit my driving time to somewhere between 9 am and 11:30 am.  As we all know come noon time and the roads become a bit more busier. I picked up a few items at a local store.  At the check out, the clerk asked me if I was 55 or older, *as Wednesdays are Senior citizen day*.  For a moment I froze, but then quickly realized I did in fact, fall under this proverbial category. She then uttered the following words “You saved a dollar on your purchase today”.

The old adage “Time goes by faster the older we get” definitely holds true. It also has its perks as I recently discovered. A dollar isn’t a lot, but they do add up in time. I suppose now I will become more savvy on what other establishments offer discounts.

When you’re young, the chapters of your life bring many decisions and choices to make. I look back on those days now and agree wholeheartedly. As I often remind others, and now myself, we live life going forward, but understand it looking back.

On the positive side, aging doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process...a journey and we’re meant to learn from it every step of the way. The key to accepting it is to change your lens  and not solely look at your life as one in gradual decline. As the sand falls to the bottom of the hour glass, some things may very well become exponentially better.

I’m on my own schedule now. I threw in the towel (work) a few years ago. There’s much to be done on any given day now. I often asked myself how in the world did I use to work a 40 hour week, yet keep up with everything at home? Somehow, it all worked out.

So now, I will simply remind myself to embrace this chapter of my life, for it is a gift all it’s own. A gift some lose far too early. Rather than to focus on the years that have passed, I’ll continue to live with purpose and appreciation. I’ll also continue to help others and be authentic to myself. Because we only get to do this once. And those senior discounts aren’t that bad either.

Lisa -:)

Tags: Age Humor Enjoy Life Celebrate Daily


Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Comments

05/04/2021 18:40:13

Well, I'm a bit older than you, so I've been enjoying the quiet side of life  for years now.  I retired at age 55 and got discouts back then, but did home care for years afterwards.  Since my children were older, I didn't have much stress in my life and enjoyed my time off.  Haven't worked in 6 years since I moved South and stay up till 1, 2 or sometimes 3am getting up at 11.  My honey knows how I like my coffee and brings me my first cup while I am settled down in my comfy loveseat.  I always thought it funny that 'senior time' at the grocery store was so early in the morning.  About those discounts - you have to ask for them everywhere you go - places don't just offer them up!

05/03/2021 07:40:56

I really enjooyed this post.  So often we concentrate on 'what was' rather than 'what is'.  Every day is a gift from God to be enjoyed.  I agree that the older I get the more I crave peace, quiet and no stress; and oh yes, I sure enjoy those cups of tea that hubby brings me with love.  Have a love day!   

04/30/2021 20:20:38

Thanks..Inuse to wake up to a 4 am alarm..did this for 3  1/2 years. Looking back now, don't know how I did it. But all ended up well. Life is a huge learning curve..

Great post! Since I retired close to 2 years ago I find I am busier living life than I would have ever thought. I have asked myself the same question you posed, how the heck did I have time working those 40 hour weeks? As is written what works for me and probably always has is "One day at a time."


04/30/2021 05:53:55

Great post! Since I retired close to 2 years ago I find I am busier living life than I would have ever thought. I have asked myself the same question you posed, how the heck did I have time working those 40 hour weeks? As is written what works for me and probably always has is "One day at a time."

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