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I can smell Fall ya’ll
Posted On: 08/05/2021 18:17:13
Mother Nature recently teased us with a much welcomed cool snap..short lived as it was, I couldn’t help but notice other elements of Fall in my yard this week.  Squirrels have begun packing their cute little cheeks with nuts. I had already noticed a few weeks ago the walnuts were falling in my back yard. Our tomato and pepper plants are winding down; though here recently, we have had an abundance of produce hanging on the vines..more than what we’ve seen since our gardening endeavors began two years ago.

The leaves are starting to make gradual changes also. I was sitting on my front porch swing a few days ago and glanced up to see one yellow leaf, way up high in a neighbor’s yard. It turned loose and began its trip to the ground. I pondered just a bit that this 60 seconds of free entertainment was already orchestrated…given the fact Fall is around the corner.

We humans, (I know I am) begin to crave cooler weather, and all it brings. Soups, stews, fleece, sweaters, boots, and lots of hot chocolate and coffee. It’s inevitable to succumb to *all things Fall*.

And of course, with Fall comes pumpkin spice (everything)…coffee, cupcakes, creamer, doughnuts, candles, and even an array of pumpkin desserts. One dish I haven’t seen though around these parts is pumpkin spiced grits (gulp). 

Mums and pansies can’t be too far away from making their debut in area stores. I always have enjoyed decorating with both of these beautiful Fall  flowers. I actually have two mums on my front porch now (from last year) and they are already blooming..and have been for a few weeks.  Another hint that Fall is knocking on our door.

Fall festivals..I sure hope we have lots of them this year. We were simply robbed in 2020. There are so many fun places to visit here within a short amount of time. As you all know, one of my absolute favorite places to visit (anytime of the year)… but most of all during the Fall,  is Shatley Springs in Crumpler NC. I’m already planning a day trip there as soon as our schedules here allow. Pumpkins, apples, jellies, and so much more will be a welcomed site there. The food won’t be bad either.

Fall is when the high drops from 90 degrees to 75 degrees in one day and the cooler temperatures struggle to return the next day, but just can’t quite beat the heat. I love this time of year because it comes as a great relief from the burning flames of summer.

By the way, Summer is, and will always be my least liked season. Guess that comes with growing older..of course, others may digress.

I know the brutal heatwave is returning once again, but I sure have enjoyed the sneak peak of what’s in store. My fall decorations and fall apparel are close by, and I can hardly wait to pull them all out.

So mark your calendars and let’s begin counting down the days. Fall will begin on Wednesday.. September 22 this year.

Bring it on-


Viewing 1 - 6 out of 6 Comments

08/19/2021 22:50:30

There's something 'magical' with each unique season that we experience, making it easy for us to describe the characteristics of each season. That became more real when a neighbor hosted a native Hawaiian grandfather on his first visit to Canada. He loved the winter (and his first experience with snow), and stayed for almost 10 years. He would say that Hawaii was so boring... everything was green... green... green! No snow, now multi-colored leaves, no spring wild flowers!!!
During HOT weather, we are limited in what clothing items we can take off before being 'arrested'! In the cold weather, we can always put on another layer of clothes! Ha ha!!!

08/14/2021 22:35:24

Love your writings Lisa - and this is no exception.  It's be real hot here in the Eastern part of NC with feel like temps of 108 - 110.  I rarely see a squirrel around here and the trees are not channging colors or falling yet.  I love summer but have to admit, I spend most of my time in the AC.  If I were back in Jersey, I'd be at the shore as I love the the sand and the ocean - it's where I spent everry summer when I was younger.  I love summer and all that it brings, I love spring and fall too - winter is my least favorite season due to the cold.  It's more mild than in Jersey I must say and for that reason I'm happy here.  I must admit, though, the only pumpkin I eat is pie!

08/12/2021 09:02:53

No cool snaps for us yet but the squirrels are packing away everything they can find. Our fig tree is still producing and they are fighting with the birds over the luscious sweet treats.  Can't wait for the cooler temps and the pumpkin spiced everything. I'll pass on the grits too. lol.  Fall festivals are the best and I sure hope they'll be back this year.  Ready for a good football season too! Thanks for sharing Lisa, can't wait and counting down the days with you!

08/06/2021 05:00:42

It's turned to a heat wave here lol. The dog days of August we used to say. I have noticed the squirrels are packing up for the cold weather that will be coming. I loved Summer as a kid but now I love Fall or Spring the best.

08/05/2021 18:36:04

Sounds lovely. Here in Phoenix metro area there is no suce thing as Fall for us be our triple digit temperatures drop to the 90-80 range.


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