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I’m turning 60…6-0
Posted On: 08/06/2022 21:15:29

The celebration is this month-

It wasn’t all too long ago, or at least I didn’t think so, when I turned 30. I remember that day so well. It was a Sunday, and I spent part of the day with a close friend. I also dressed in black.

So, here I am on the precipice of decrepitude, feeling…well, not 30 anymore, but not how I would have expected at 60 either. My mindset is energetic, alive and forward thinking with a zest for learning more, living, and experiencing MORE. My gait, memory, and most days energy to do much of anything seem to prevail.

They say age is just a number…it is indeed. Those younger days gone by when I could live off 3 hours of sleep…now reminds me that 8 pm is what midnight use to be. The old coffee beans are my best buddies.  The pep in my step is no longer there most days…well, you get the picture.

So I’m in panic mode…because I’m turning 60 this month. I’ve crossed the threshold of my existence when I have less time in front of me than behind me….followed by the inevitable questions: Has my life been meaningful? What kind of mark did I make in the world? Did I change someone’s life for the better?

There is always an opportunity for reflection, but especially this time. For several weeks now, I’ve been thinking about what I’ve learned during the past six decades that really matters. A few of these thoughts are:

Notice the good.
Let go of certainty.
Slow down.
Add more value in the world than you’re using up.
Savor every moment— even the difficult ones…it all goes too fast.

As a former account analyst, I think life is kind of like a balance sheet—if your assets exceed your liabilities, you have a positive net worth. If your positives exceed your negatives, you’ve got a whole lot to feel good about. Looking at it that way, while the number still freaks me out, I’m pretty thankful that I’ve made it this far. Just don’t try putting 60 candles on my cake—30 will work just fine.

Tags: August Age Time Changes Candles


Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 Comments

08/13/2022 18:33:19

Great advice, and I should remind myself more that age is (just a number), right? I've had good times and bad times, in varied times of my life...but...I'm still here, and that's what truly matters. Thanks for writing...always a gift in hearing from you..

I felt being in my 60s wasn't really too bad. But I didn't want to turn 70.  I just know people in their 70s were considered old. I'm older than my grandparents now.  So enjoy being 60. Embrace being in your 60s.  It's fine.  Everybody's getting older. When people you've been friends with are your age, you'll see it's ok. (unless they've already passed away ) which is a bummer,to put it mildly.  


08/13/2022 18:17:13

I felt being in my 60s wasn't really too bad. But I didn't want to turn 70.  I just know people in their 70s were considered old. I'm older than my grandparents now.  So enjoy being 60. Embrace being in your 60s.  It's fine.  Everybody's getting older. When people you've been friends with are your age, you'll see it's ok. (unless they've already passed away ) which is a bummer,to put it mildly.  

08/08/2022 19:45:05

yeah, mine too last year when I turn 70. Just turned 71 (Darcy and I share the same birthday but not year) while young at heart, I absolutely hate this growing old business.  Maybe I could handle it if I could still walk. Because I hate pity parties, I'll say it stinks.

08/08/2022 15:19:16

Very good post indeed ... When I turned 70 I felt the same way. I asked myself did I make a difference in someone's life? Could I have done more to help someone? I have lived a very good life and I am truly blessed. I thank God for every day. I will be 71 next month 😁

08/07/2022 12:13:40

My gosh you said it! Seems like just the other day I turned 30. Hard to believe so much time passed by so quickly. Like the old saying says, we're young at heart.

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