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In September, I think of two things…apples and apple recipes. Ironically, just today I received a cookbook in the mail from a Tennessee church. I had just ordered it about 10 days ago. Can you say RECIPES? I couldn’t put it down. Of course, the first pages I thumbed to (desserts). I have already marked my favorites.
Looking at a chart online, I discovered several apple varieties ripen in September. They are Cortland, Golden Delicious, Jonathan, Red Delicious, Fuji, Granny Smith, and Rome Beauty. Others will soon follow in October. Regardless of when you prepare to search for your favorites, we have local orchards and farmers markets right here in our county. As well, local and NC area apple festivals kick off during the month of September.
One of my favorite cities to explore and shop for apples is Hendersonville NC. It’s not too far away, plus it offers an array of activities once there. Driving to the mountains is enjoyable and an added bonus. What a wonderful getaway to kick off this time of year.
Some fun facts:
One of George Washington’s hobbies was pruning his apple trees.
A bushel of apples weighs about 42 pounds (up to 48 lbs) and will yield 12 to 15 quarts of applesauce.
It takes about 36 apples to create one gallon of apple cider. The pilgrims planted the first United States apple trees in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Apples are a member of the rose family.
On the nutrition side of things, one half cup of apples is only 42 calories. Apples contain no cholesterol or fat and are low in calories. They are high in fiber, vitamin A and niacin. They contain iron and other trace minerals and offer a good source of vitamin C. Their ranked #1 in antioxidant activity..which offers all the nutritional power you need to fight aging, cancer and heart disease.
So the old adage..”an apple a day keeps the doctor away” …stands true.
My cookbooks are calling me.
Enjoy September…
Lisa 🍎🍎🍎
Mother Nature recently teased us with a much welcomed cool snap..short lived as it was, I couldn’t help but notice other elements of Fall in my yard this week. Squirrels have begun packing their cute little cheeks with nuts. I had already noticed a few weeks ago the walnuts were falling in my back yard. Our tomato and pepper plants are winding down; though here recently, we have had an abundance of produce hanging on the vines..more than what we’ve seen since our gardening endeavors began two years ago.
The leaves are starting to make gradual changes also. I was sitting on my front porch swing a few days ago and glanced up to see one yellow leaf, way up high in a neighbor’s yard. It turned loose and began its trip to the ground. I pondered just a bit that this 60 seconds of free entertainment was already orchestrated…given the fact Fall is around the corner.
We humans, (I know I am) begin to crave cooler weather, and all it brings. Soups, stews, fleece, sweaters, boots, and lots of hot chocolate and coffee. It’s inevitable to succumb to *all things Fall*.
And of course, with Fall comes pumpkin spice (everything)…coffee, cupcakes, creamer, doughnuts, candles, and even an array of pumpkin desserts. One dish I haven’t seen though around these parts is pumpkin spiced grits (gulp).
Mums and pansies can’t be too far away from making their debut in area stores. I always have enjoyed decorating with both of these beautiful Fall flowers. I actually have two mums on my front porch now (from last year) and they are already blooming..and have been for a few weeks. Another hint that Fall is knocking on our door.
Fall festivals..I sure hope we have lots of them this year. We were simply robbed in 2020. There are so many fun places to visit here within a short amount of time. As you all know, one of my absolute favorite places to visit (anytime of the year)… but most of all during the Fall, is Shatley Springs in Crumpler NC. I’m already planning a day trip there as soon as our schedules here allow. Pumpkins, apples, jellies, and so much more will be a welcomed site there. The food won’t be bad either.
Fall is when the high drops from 90 degrees to 75 degrees in one day and the cooler temperatures struggle to return the next day, but just can’t quite beat the heat. I love this time of year because it comes as a great relief from the burning flames of summer.
By the way, Summer is, and will always be my least liked season. Guess that comes with growing older..of course, others may digress.
I know the brutal heatwave is returning once again, but I sure have enjoyed the sneak peak of what’s in store. My fall decorations and fall apparel are close by, and I can hardly wait to pull them all out.
So mark your calendars and let’s begin counting down the days. Fall will begin on Wednesday.. September 22 this year.
Bring it on-
A most precious resource in existence, and one we all can surely identify with…(time) Clocks, alarms, schedules, calendars, agendas, appointments, etc. The sands falling through the proverbial hourglass nevertheless will continue to fall, and as we age, these particles of sand pick up speed.
I was reminded all too well of this last week when a text came over from my husband. He simply asked “When is my Dad’s birthday.”? Like always, I didn’t have to think at all about this date, as dates seem to stay etched in my brain forever. Anniversaries and deaths too..they just remain inside my built in computer (brain). I quickly replied back to him. Our son has this same gift. So between myself and our son, the hubby knows his reminder of an important date is never too far away.
Most days I ponder the time and dates in my life. Forty one years ago I graduated high school. Twenty four years ago I became a Mother..(at the ripe old age of 35) seems like yesterday. Our dog turns 13 next week. She was a mere 2 months old when we adopted her from the shelter. My sweet neighbor Marie… (2nd Mom- *we adopted each other a long time ago*- she turned 91 three months ago.
Our relationship to time reveals a lot about who we are as human beings; how we experience life and what we make our experiences mean.
The greatest minds of our time tell us time is relative. It’s true- we all experience time differently. But if there’s one thing that holds true about time, it’s that it only moves forward. We can’t go back and change the past. But what we can do instead is hold on the the many memories we are creating…each and every single day.
Numbering your days does something to you. It puts life in perspective. In fact, doing this makes me realize all the more the brevity of life and the value of every moment. So, when you realize these two things…you can begin to develop a heart of wisdom. For these two elements of life go hand in hand.
We kill time. We save time. We rob and get robbed of time, we lose time, and we have all the time in the world. But no one of us is powerful enough to stop the march of time or slow it down. Once you end one chapter, you have an opportunity to turn the pages and start a new chapter. That still won’t answer the question of “where has the time gone.” However, instead of asking this question, we should find ourselves living..not reminiscing about the past. Live your life, so when you look back on this question, you can say that the time was well spent.
It’s that wonderful time of the year when my yard becomes inundated with a vine I call the devil plant. Many years ago I visited one of the big box stores in search of a product to rid this vine of its presence. Guess what? It hasn’t been invented yet. I was simply told “you can contain it, but you’ll never get rid of it”. Not what I wanted to hear.
I know goats love it. Belmont has even utilized these animals to eat fields of kudzu away in years past….and they do, quite efficiently and fast.
Because my property is very elevated downward, this monster of a vine really doesn’t gleam its glory to passing traffic. However, it’s a thorn in my side, especially this time of year. The only remedy that seems to help is cutting back the vines. Of course a few days later you would never believe I even bothered to contain it.
On a positive note, some don’t look at this vine in the same way I do. I did some research a few days ago and learned that a friend’s aunt claims eating the weed keeps her young. She makes hats and Christmas trees out of kudzu. She also claims this proverbial greenery keeps her young.
I also learned it has been used in Chinese medicine for many years, as there are quite a few uses for it to help ailments and symptoms. Who knew?
You can also find an array of recipes floating around online. From jelly to quiche to tea. So it does have a place in the kitchen..but not mine.
Baskets can also be woven from this monster vine. Basket makers have perfected methods of either using the green vines or drying them before using them to make their handiwork.
Our climate here in the Southeastern U.S. is perfect for kudzu. The vines can grow as much as a foot per day during summer months..climbing trees, power poles, and possibly anything else in its reach. This I know is quite true.
So once again I will find myself in a few more days tackling this creature. It loves my creek bed especially. Love it or hate it, it’s here and it’s not going away. I’ll just make sure to keep my windows closed to keep it out of my house.
I just read this week’s Banner News a few hours ago. I enjoyed seeing the highlights of upcoming graduates in our communities. Afterwards, I began reminiscing way back to 1980 when I walked across the stage to receive my high school diploma. Seems like yesterday, but then again, an eternity. My thoughts drifted to the many changes in our world since I graduated. There were no cell phones or computers. I do remember the many hours I spent in class using a typewriter, and encyclopedias at home. My sister and I walked to and from school many days.
What hasn’t changed, and what the graduates this week will encounter is the road ahead of them. They will be joining either a work force, additional education or both. Disruptions have been and will continue to upend work and college life. In order to thrive, they will need to continue learning and adapting to change. They must also remain mindful of the responsibility in each and every one of us to help create the kind of society in which we want to live and thrive in. The opportunities that lie ahead of our graduates is just as important today as it was when I graduated.
Today marks the ending of one chapter, but also the beginning of a new one. The pages are blank, the plot is yours to create. And even when the pages ahead bring hardships, press on. Tap into those same reserves that helped you before. In the end, you will emerge even stronger for whatever challenges come before you.
Graduations instruct you on one of life’s greatest lessons, which is to appreciate and cherish every moment of your life. Reflection should always be a part of your life, even after you’ve moved your tassel from one side of the cap to the other. And so a new journey begins.
Congrats to all of the 2021 graduates.
“Nothing in life is impossible as long as you take that first step.”
Today, my sweet neighbor and I were watching the birds outside her living room window...something we enjoy quite often. My mind took me to a simpler time in life, when things seemed more carefree. One could certainly lower their blood pressure just by looking out a window to observe the birds in their neck of the woods. I’ve decided do just that, and to focus more on nature and what the new spring season will bring to my yard.
Since the earliest times of man, birds have inspired our deepest imaginations. Fearless and free in the sky, they make us wonder, what would it be like to fly? While none of us can sprout wings, we can all simply observe and learn from these majestic creatures. They can teach us how to create a beautiful life. How amazing it would be if we trusted our own instincts like birds do.
Life is created in such a way so as to enable us to withstand the challenges and overcome the hardships they bring. Undoubtedly birds show us the perfect example of this. Their patience and perseverance stand out in all that they do to survive.
While none of us can sprout wings, we can all simply observe and learn from the birds on how to create a beautiful life. Below are six life lessons...inspired by our winged friends.
1. Be confident- birds learn to trust themselves before they take off in the sky. So have faith in your abilities and know that you will find a warm current to soar in.
2. Let your colors shine- Different birds have different bright, and make sure you aren’t hiding what makes you one-of-a-kind.
3. Show up early....and often- The legendary early bird gets the worm for a reason. Find something worth showing up for, and then show up every single day.
4. Go with the seasons- Birds thrive despite changes in their environment. Be flexible and go with the flow, trusting your ability to always find a branch to land on.
5. Flock together- Birds seek strength and sustenance from one another. Keep friends and family close by as you navigate the days ahead.
6. Spread your wings- Eventually, all birds must leave the nest and become what they are meant to be. Have no fear of falling...we live life forward, but will only understand it looking back in the years to come.
Just remember we possess the same ability as birds; to create something from nothing...allowing ideas and thoughts to guide our actions and behaviors. The ability to use our sense of feeling instead of thinking, to allow ourselves to be our own creators.
So this weekend, I am going to replenish all of my bird feeders outside. I am looking forward to learning something new from our feathered friends.
Tags: Birds Life Learn
My husband and I, along with our dog Dixie, recently took a much needed and deserved beach vacation. We escaped to Garden City for an entire week. The weather was perfect, although we did have a couple of small rain showers. All in all we truly enjoyed visiting this tranquil, beautiful city.
Ironically a few days before we left, a close friend in California called us to let us know he and his step daughter would be at the beach for about 8 days. What beach you might ask? Myrtle beach, of course, .... and his residence during this trip was just 4 miles from the condo we were renting. How cool was that? We had planned our trip back in January, so the timing was unbelievable.
We enjoyed the pier at Garden city, which was just a stones throw from our condo. They offer an array of karaoke during the week, along with a nice menu. No big crowds, just a perfect time and place to seek sun, sand, and shelter. One of the karaoke singers was quite entertaining. His name was Frazier. He performed like a pro, and his song selections brought back memories from days gone by..a favorite era of mine..the 70’s.
The beach is a medicine bottle all it’s own. One can certainly unwind, even though it is a temporary getaway, the after effects can be rewarding for much longer. Bare footing in the sand, breathing in salt air, exercise (walking), swimming in mineral rich water, and rest & relaxation are all definitely healing therapies. No doctor visit needed.
While there, we enjoyed seeing other friends as well. They live in North Myrtle beach. Both are previous Belmont residents, and they are continuing to enjoy this new chapter in their lives. Something I could get use to.
Lest we not forget about *food* .... whatever your favorite or seafood, everything tastes better at the beach. We relished on both of these, along with a stop at Dairy Queen toward the end of our week. There was also a few trips to the grocery store. Some of which we brought back home.
This was the first time Dixie had visited the beach. She was a little reluctant to the sound and swirl of the ocean, but nevertheless, she thoroughly enjoyed the getaway as well. The fireworks, although short lived each night, did put a damper on her nerves. But now that she is a little older, this is one item we can mark off her bucket list.
The beach is, for me and many others, the best form of therapy. Just being in nature, enjoying the sun and sand- it’s what takes away our anxiety or responsibility for the day. Not having to worry for a day is one of the best feelings in the world. Who would not agree with that?
Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone.
Recently this past week I was out running a few errands in town. Mind you, I usually limit my driving time to somewhere between 9 am and 11:30 am. As we all know come noon time and the roads become a bit more busier. I picked up a few items at a local store. At the check out, the clerk asked me if I was 55 or older, *as Wednesdays are Senior citizen day*. For a moment I froze, but then quickly realized I did in fact, fall under this proverbial category. She then uttered the following words “You saved a dollar on your purchase today”.
The old adage “Time goes by faster the older we get” definitely holds true. It also has its perks as I recently discovered. A dollar isn’t a lot, but they do add up in time. I suppose now I will become more savvy on what other establishments offer discounts.
When you’re young, the chapters of your life bring many decisions and choices to make. I look back on those days now and agree wholeheartedly. As I often remind others, and now myself, we live life going forward, but understand it looking back.
On the positive side, aging doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process...a journey and we’re meant to learn from it every step of the way. The key to accepting it is to change your lens and not solely look at your life as one in gradual decline. As the sand falls to the bottom of the hour glass, some things may very well become exponentially better.
I’m on my own schedule now. I threw in the towel (work) a few years ago. There’s much to be done on any given day now. I often asked myself how in the world did I use to work a 40 hour week, yet keep up with everything at home? Somehow, it all worked out.
So now, I will simply remind myself to embrace this chapter of my life, for it is a gift all it’s own. A gift some lose far too early. Rather than to focus on the years that have passed, I’ll continue to live with purpose and appreciation. I’ll also continue to help others and be authentic to myself. Because we only get to do this once. And those senior discounts aren’t that bad either.
Lisa -:)
Tags: Age Humor Enjoy Life Celebrate Daily
April 15...a date on the calendar for most of us, and it’s proverbial reminder that Uncle Sam is around the corner. However, for me, this date now stays etched in my mind forever. For on this date 16 years ago, a very dear friend’s life came to a sudden end. Her life was taken far too soon, yet she gifted me with a gift I now carry on to today.
We met in 1998 at work. We had a lot in common. Our love of our children, family, cooking, telling jokes, and helping others. Her smile was contagious. That in itself brought much happiness and joy to those around her.
Michelle was, and had been for several years, a blood donor. Even though she was born with juvenile diabetes, she didn’t let it bring her down. As for me, the mere thought of needles sent unwavering messages of pain in my mind. But one day she approached me in my office and invited me to join her at her upcoming donation. I hesitated, but then quickly thought “I’ll go for support and the snacks”. Once there, my guilt gave in and I signed up to donate. Things did not go well....but deep down inside, I knew this was something I shouldn’t walk away from. I went back a few weeks later and the process was almost seamless. I walked away with a feeling of sincerity and gratitude.
Yesterday was a sad day for me, but those feelings of sadness quickly turned to feelings of joy. A life lesson was also born. Had Michelle’s presence never entered my world, I would have never went on my own to donate blood.
Fast forward to today and my donation level is at just over 11 gallons. My journey has now been going on strong for over 12 years. It has instilled in me the gift of saving lives is something we can all do, and it’s free.
By the way, my blood type is 0-. This blood type has an amazing power to save anyone in need of a blood transfusion. Donors with this powerful blood type are called universal donors because their red blood cells can be transfused into any patient, regardless of the recipients’s blood type. Only 7% of the population has O- blood, yet it is the blood type in the highest demand.
Sometimes in life you find a special friend. Someone who changes your life just by being a part of it. Thank you Michelle for that chance meeting all so long ago. Your story was not finished on earth, but your legacy lives on. And every time I walk into my local blood center to donate, your smiling face is the first thing I see when I open the door.
Tags: Friends Gift Life Save Smile
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