Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I've heard that many times over my life. I'd imagine you have too. This morning I deleted all the hurtful things of yesterday and wiped the slate clean. At least that is what I have tried to do. Yesterday I learned things that will not allow the same consequences today. Today I face life with a new clean slate knowing that today will never return. So today I will live happy. I wont know about tomorrow and yesterday blew away in the dust. Today I will defy obstacles in my path and trust that even with them I can still succeed. I will not hurt or harm anyone purposely. I don't put out what I don't want myself. I will greet everyone I meet with a smile even though I feel like crying. Maybe someone will give me a smile back. I know I've said this before but bear with me because my Dear wonderful Daddy instilled this phrase in me while I was still young and innocent, “Honey laugh so you wont have to cry”. I've been doing a lot of that lately. It has been a very hard time for me but I know there are others who have worse times. One of my first Sunday School teachers told us, “Live each day as if it was your last day”. That stuck with me even though I have not always followed the advice. I remember Mamma saying many time when I'd be miffed about something, “ Clydene don't ever go to sleep mad at anyone or with someone mad at you. They might not be here tomorrow. What ever you think your problems are, they may be bad or tragic, but they are not ever the worst thing that could happen to you. Someone is always in worse shape than you are.” Sometimes I really need to be reminded of this. YEP!
Tags: Angerhurtful Smiles
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