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11/05/2023 05:12:42

Happy Sunday. Up in the morning and off to school. I suppose with the time change people will be punching in earlier today. Start off with some coffee and then dictation or typing......... or both. Outside of that, nothing! Good walk this morning though felt somewhat cold walking into the wind. I did not want to go and had to use an electric cattle prod to get myself out the door. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet! 

May be an image of 1 person and coffee cup

May be an image of 1 person and bangs

11/05/2023 04:10:32

Raking leaves has got to be the biggest waste of time, ever invented...



Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για gif happy sanday images

11/05/2023 03:50:24

Good morning Darci, may you have a peaceful Sunday.

Premium AI Image | Autumnal setting beautiful park in the fall Stunning  natural scene Autumn Leaves
Blessed Be my dear friend. *Hugs*

11/05/2023 03:33:16


a beautiful SMILE and send the SADNESS to FLY.

Enjoy those BEAUTIFUL moments of HAPPINESS

in BUENA, company of those you LOVE most.

Take advantage of SUNDAY to do everything

what fills your SOUL, com, friendship, MARIA

hugs, big ones, take care------------

11/05/2023 02:34:55

11/04/2023 23:53:04

    Good morning Darci....

 We ordered take out last night.  I got baked ziti with hot sausage.  The sausage was a bit tangy, but it was good.  Did you ever make baked ziti ? There was such a large portion that I could only eat half.  Put the other half in the fridge.  Will probably finish it later today.  We still need to take down some outside Halloween decorations (just the spooky stuff) like the ghosts.  I'm going to leave the pumpkins and the scarecrows up for most of November.  The scarecrows aren't scary looking (they have smiling faces) so I'll leave those up for awhile longer.  Have orange lights around one of the windows.  Still gonna keep turning them on for awhile.  Well, orange is for Thanksgiving too. That will be my excuse for not wanting to let go :) It's always been hard for me to let go of things.  Are you like this?

 You have a handsome collection of turkeys here!!

 Hope you have a pleasant Sunday...  hugs, Darlene

11/04/2023 17:56:04

Darci Dear...

It's been raining buckets today, but as the temperature is kind of 'middling', being out in the rain isn't so bad.  Which is a good thing since I needed to sweep off the front entryway of the accumulated leaves.  Tried to get one of our cats to come into the house, but he wasn't budging from under the boat.  The thunder we were having at the time may have been encouraging him to stay put.  Yes, our weather is a bit unsettled today, but I rather enjoyed it as it's pretty rare that we get thunder and/or lightening.  And since it's so wet outside, the lightening isn't going to start a fire like it would if it came around during the summertime.  Timing really can be everything--especially when it comes to Mother Nature and the weather she throws our way.  

Tonight we change the clocks back and I'm not looking forward to the darkness coming on even quicker than it has been.  Well, the perception that it is.  I wish they'd abolish daylight "savings" and let time be, but while they keep saying they're going to do it...not a thing actually gets done.  If you're looking for a culprit in climate change, I'd point fingers at all the hot air coming out of our nation's capitol.....

I've been trying to catch up on the laundry, but it seems like the tide in that the dirty clothes keep on coming in, no matter how often I weed them out and clean them up.  But I did get a load folded and put away and have another one that needs to be spun out before going into the dryer, so I figure that's pretty good for a rainy day.  Shoot, maybe I ought to toss all of our dirty clothes outside and let "Mother N." take care of 'em...think that'd work?  No, I don't, either.  Even if I hung them up neatly on the clotheslines, I'm betting that they wouldn't get clean--though they might become 'rainwater fresh'.  Oh, the weird things that you think about on a rainy day, huh?

I had to laugh about your comment re: armchair coaching.  I don't watch football much, but my hubby does and he also practices coaching in front of the TV.  Not all the time, but every so often I'll hear him making a comment as though it would make a difference to what is happening on the field or on the screen.  I think that's human nature to do things like that, don't you?  But I do hope that your football watching doesn't give you a headache and sore throat very often; that kind of thing might discourage me from future game-watching. 

I was interested in learning that you make soap--and hey, melt and pour is just as much making it as is using lye, wax, scents, and-I-don't-remember-what-all-else to make soap by cooking it.  So BRAVO to you, my friend, on doing something creative that is also has a very practical use and application.  I have recently put in an account on Pinterest and have been collecting and looking at how to make soaps.  I'm not fond of patchouli--I find that scent overwhelming--and I don't remember what ylang-ylang smells like.  But your sweet orange would be right up my alley, as I love the bright scent of most anything citrus-y.  My daughter and I went to a store in Portland one time (it was in the "hippy" district) where they had a store with about a bazillion different essential oils that you could make your own perfume or other products from--shampoos, body wash, lotions, etc.  We smelled until our noses gave out and I know I smelled ylang-ylang, but with so many other scents I checked out that day, that one just isn't coming to mind.  At any rate, I hope your soap making was a complete success and that you're thrilled with the results of your crafting.  I was curious...where do you get your essential oils?  They can be expensive, so if you have a source that is reasonable, I'd be interested in knowing about it.  Thanks!

I'm thinking about baking some cookies.  Even though I shouldn't eat any of them...I don't care.  I'm gonna eat a few anyway.  IF I get off my hind end and actually put together some cookie dough and bake them until they're golden brown and delicious.  No idea what kind I'll make, but I have quite a collection of really good cookie recipes.  One of them is bound to leap out and say "make me, make ME!!"  And so I will.  

I hope something is speaking to you today, Darci (though you might want to keep that fact to yourself, as others tend to look at you rather oddly if you confess to having an inanimate object speaking to you...I know...blame it--or credit it--to either Siri or Alexa, depending on whether you are home or traveling).  Enjoy the heck out of your weekend, my friend, and I shall attempt to do the same with my soggy one.  

Love and Hugs,

11/04/2023 17:46:57

Hi Darci - I'm back!  Haven't heard from you since last Monday - almost a week.  I'm sure  you know my computer is down and needs to be fixed - that won't be happening anytime soon, so I'm still on Richie's computer.  That had problems too so we had someone over last nite to fix it.  Now everything is good to go.  We went out for burgers with Richie's brother the nite of Trick or Treat, but left a bowl of treats for the kids to take.  When we came home both sides of the entrance to he subdivision was lined with care!!!    Don't think they all made it up to where we live before it stated to rain and they all disappeared.  Needless to say we have lots of candy left over.  This weekend we went tothe Moos and ate there.  Not alot there so we left early so the bartender could close up early.  Today is a rest day - did go to WalMart to pick up my meds and a few other things pluse stuff I'll need for a colon cleanse.  I go in the hospital in Norfolk for removal of cancer in my colon.  Had some pain in my side and had a CT scan which showed it.  Had a colconoscopy but he couln't get past the cancer.  Should be in the hospital for 4/5 days.  They have a hotel like place in the hospital for $35 a nite which we'll stay in Mon. nite as surgery is at 7:30 in the morning and it takes us 2 hrs to get tothe hospital.  That's a neat thing, huh?  Rich will stay with me as I'm going to ask our  friends if they will keep the dog Monday nite as he'll pick her up Tues morn.  Gonna have hot turkey sandwiches for dinner with instant mashed taters and a veggie.  I need something easy.  Glad I don't have to cook disnner tomorrow nite at dominos - think she's having chili. It'll be my last meal before the prep.  I know you must be having the same weather we had today - it was 72 here and just so pretty of a day.  Now it's dark and we turn the clocks back tonite to tomorrow it'll be dark around 5 - so depressing!  Hope you have a good rest of the evening Darci.    Late summertime hugs, Wendy

11/04/2023 16:59:20

11/04/2023 10:33:14

The leaves are falling. At least snow ended and went away. Waiting for spring.

May be an image of motorcycle

11/04/2023 10:17:13

Yes I do enjoy reading very much. Hugs, Juanita

11/04/2023 09:50:25

"Wonder is the beginning of wisdom." ~Socates~ Hope you're having a wonder-filled weekend. Trying to smile despite the clock change tonite. 🍄

11/04/2023 09:28:05

11/04/2023 09:27:13

11/04/2023 09:23:44


11/04/2023 09:20:47


Do you really know what day it is?  Saturday?  NO, it is Caturday!  Today we turn the clocks back an hour!  Boo!  I already miss the evening sunshine!    


Whatever you call this day, you know it is the weekend and that Blessings are coming your way.  


It is the best day of the week to sleep in too!  Do you have a nice, soft, fluffy bed that is all nice and warm?  


Isn't it the day for a great, big, delicious breakfast?  Where is it?  What do you mean you have to go somewhere?  Give me a minute... 


OK, I am ready.  Are we going out for breakfast this morning?  You better strap me in because I have ridden with you before.  


How soon before we get back home?  What a fun day this Caturday is going to be.  Let's go!  


11/04/2023 09:07:50

Pre-computer I did more sewing, reading and
playing the piano. Now, well... I spend most of
my non-working hours here at the ole pc. So
addictive! Have a fruitful Saturday, Darci,
w/lots of joy rolled in:) *hugs* -di

11/04/2023 08:19:20




11/04/2023 05:57:53

some breakfast............

May be an image of turnover, babka, cinnamon roll and text

11/04/2023 04:52:56


May be an image of record player and text

11/04/2023 04:52:21

HELLO, the WEEKEND is here and it's time to REST,

Bad vibes out, today I'm NOT going to STRESS.

Everything that means disconnecting, RESTING,

relax, HAPPY SATURDAY, I wish you much HAPPINESS,

PEACE and LOVE. Have a day, FULL, of love, hope,

with good SMILES, your FRIEND wishes you, Maria

big HUGS, take care

11/04/2023 04:05:16

Good morning Darci, I got a lot done yesterday. It was beautiful with lots of sunshine but still a chilly day. I do like to read but haven't read a book in awhile. I have lots calling me on my bookshelf.  May you have a wonderful weekend.

Dining Room Fall Table Decor Ideas - MY 100 YEAR OLD HOME
Blessed Be my dear friend. *Hugs*

11/04/2023 04:05:00

I don't read so much anymore, but, there was a time when you couldn't find me without some form of reading material, mostly science & science fiction, and a pen in my pocket, for writing, or underlining. Now I do most of my reading, here on the internet, or reading documents, of necessity, if you know what I mean. I keep my LOW temp, at your high, and prefer, at least, 73*...



Happy Saturday Saturday Morning GIF - HappySaturday SaturdayMorning Coffee  - Discover & Share GIFsΣχετική εικόνα

11/04/2023 02:30:54

11/03/2023 19:25:34

Not as much as I formerly did. Eyes get tired as I get up too early.

Sapphire wrote:

 Do you enjoy reading?

~Loads of leaves and love~


11/03/2023 18:48:23


11/03/2023 15:23:42

Yes Darci, I love to read.  However, now I usually read on my iPad with the Kindle app.  I have over 6k books working toward 7K but they are all free books.  We have been outside in the backyard most of the afternoon.  It is 69° right now but a bit windy.  We uncovered the plants and redid two plugs, one for heater and one for lights.  Time for a shower!

Sapphire wrote:

It has been a productive Friday for me, how about your day? It's sunny and nearly 60*. A gorgeous day. We are in a severe drought in my area, however, and could seriously use some good rainfall. Looks bleak for the next many days. I've ordered some new (to me, anyway) books from Thrift Books and look forward to their arrival in a week or so. I'm reading my next to last book and always panic when I've just one book left! Do you enjoy reading?

~Loads of leaves and love~


11/03/2023 14:44:02

Happy Friday my friend. Its a beautiful Fall day here. Its 73* and beautiful sunshine. I hope you are having a good afternoon. And have a good weekend too. Take care, Many hugs, Cheryl

11/03/2023 12:12:07

A bit cool here as well. Too cool for me.  Juanita

11/03/2023 09:53:03

good morning Darci, it's a lovely Fall day here with just right temps. Hope you are getting the same! huggies, Beth

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