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Viewing 861 - 865 out of 1340 Blogs.
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REmemberance day tribute
Posted On 11/05/2014 15:11:26 by salfordian2
Military PersonnelOur brave young men and women
Who serve their countries well
Are called to serve in lands afar
Who many see as hellThey serve to keep our countries safe
From those who wish us ill
All walk with danger every day
With risk of being killedThey don’t do this for glory
Nor is it for the pay
Its so folks like you and I
Live freely every dayNever forget the price some pay
A price that’s far too high
Or of the grief of families
When told a loved... Read More

It's all about Surprises!
Posted On 11/04/2014 21:31:58 by yourchoice
We received an Evite today from our daughter-in-law, telling us that she is planning a surprise birthday party for her husband... our son! He will be 50 years old in December. My first thought was, "Wait a minute. I'm not old enough to have a 50-year-old son!" But when I counted on my fingers (and toes), I realized that she was right. I AM old enough!It got me thinking about surprise parties that have occurred in our family, and a flood of memories entertained me all afternoon. I don't recall an... Read More

our family in Oct 2014
Posted On 11/04/2014 20:41:42 by Lenny

Posted On 11/03/2014 06:30:53 by emom101
2014-11-03 EMOM'S MOUNTAIN NEWS - Monday

Woo Hoo!!  Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home!  Get in here... get warm and comfy... Skim ice out there again.  I don't care what the wx stations say!  If I have skim ice out there the temp is below freeezing...usually in the 20's.  So there!  An aside here... Wx people are the only ones I know of who can be consistantly wrong on their reports and still keep their jobs... lololol  Gotcha! 

Here's... Read More

Posted On 11/02/2014 14:10:47 by emom101

At least I think it's sunday... Haven't checked with Anna yet to be sure. The way I sleep anymore, I'm never quite sure when I roll out...

Now, Welcome home, my dear hearts, welcome home.  Colder'n hell out there right now, so get in here and get warm.  Just a reminder here... Play nice and no food fights.  AND DO NOT feed the dogs from the table!!!! lolol  Now, how's that for a start to a new day? I'm laffing at myself a... Read More

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