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Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 Blogs.
In the late 40's and early 50's things were rough and everything we got or accomplished was new and big to us.I'll never forget the day we got electricity in our house. We were the last in the area to get it because we were at the dead end of the road and had to wait until the workers got there with the lines. I suspect also there was a problem with Daddy getting enough money to pay for the installation.We had coal oil lamps and I remember sitting at the kitchen table to do my... Read More
My moods are as bad as Arkansas weather. Up, Down, all around. Why do we get in and out of these moods? Why can't we just stay on an even keel of sorts. I'm me, you are you. We are all so different but yet the same. My Grandma used to tell me I was moody and she was right. There are so many different moods to be in. I have come to the realization that we make our own moods. I went grocery shopping this morning, not my favorite chore I must say. The store was crowded a... Read More
MY TREE HOUSEMy tree house was not a house but just a tree. I climbed way up almost to the top of a big Elm (we called it Ellem') tree so high you felt like you could touch the sky. There in my 'spot' there was a somewhat flat limb where I sat. There was a slightly rounded limb just right to lean back in, and a limb to rest my feet on. To top that there was three limbs in front of my seat' to lay my stuff' on. Just like my own private club house. I wrote in my diary, wrote poems, watched b... Read More
Daddies have a different role than Mother's do in our lives. Daddy was away working in the coal mines in Oklahoma most of my young life. He stayed in Henrietta from Sunday evening until Friday night. It was hard on us all. I missed him terribly and I know now how hard it had to be on Mama having to take all responsibility of things like she did. As soon as his Friday shift was over he and other men would head home to Arkansas getting home late. Week-ends for Daddy were not restful. I... Read More
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