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Tag: vacation
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
Years ago, my Dad did a lot of traveling with his widowed sister, and they were in many places in the world. He wasn't much for taking pictures until after my Mom passed away because she is the one who carried a Kodak box camera. When my Dad retired, his company gave him a movie camera, a 35 mm camera, 2 projectors, and a screen (you can tell that his work was with the "government"), so he decided to learn how to use "that stuff"!He moved into a Seniors' Residence so he wouldn't have to worry ab... Read More
There are times when we discover, through the eyes of visitors, that we live almost “next door” to one of the world’s treasures of nature, Banff National Park. We have extended family members living in England who have visited several times, both summer and winter, and a ‘must see’ location is Lake Louise. Lake Louise is at the foot of a glacier, and in the summer, the scene from the chateau on the edge of the lake is spectacular. There are hiking trails around the lake, a chance to vi... Read More
We have returned home after a wonderful three-day respite in the mountains. We don’t swim, water ski, boogy-board, or hike, but we enjoyed the wonders of creation ... high majestic mountains, rushing clear-water streams, fresh locally- grown fruit, and the silence where we parked the boat in a secluded cove. Best of all … we had the rare opportunity of having our entire family together … our son and daughter with their families. For Ed and I, to have all five grandchildren together at the... Read More
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