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Viewing 36 - 40 out of 95 Blogs.
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L - Learning
Posted On 01/05/2018 00:31:31 by chillipepper
L – Learning/ListeningLittle by little as the years roll by I am forever learning something new and gaining more knowledge and experience to store in my mind….Like most everyone,  I hope that I can continue to remember what I have learnt although I find now like a computer I need to hit the ‘Refresh’ button every so often for if I haven’t worked on a project for a time it’s not as easy to do again.  That also applies with people I meet. Because of my impaired vision I’ve... Read More

H - Hobbies
Posted On 11/01/2017 19:08:53 by chillipepper
H – Hobbies I guess that most people have a Hobby or had hobbies during their life. I know of exceptions where folk are not and have not indulged in this rewarding pastime. It just has never interested them. I have always found these people to continually say that they are bored, time drags………I guess I’m crazy but I don’t understand this as I just don’t have enough hours in the day to accomplish all that I want to do and have always been that way.The main Hobbies that I concentrate... Read More

They Would Not Understand
Posted On 10/16/2017 18:43:56 by technonana
They just would not understand, so you don't tell them.  You take some other incident and say that is the reason for your action.  If you were to tell them the real story, they would be judgemental and want to take action.  But that would just make things worse.  It really isn't their business anyway is it?  They have always led such a charmed life.  Some health issues but morally so upright.  They can not fathom the reasons behind your decision to keep silent.... Read More

L - Lake Louise
Posted On 09/22/2017 16:29:13 by yourchoice
There are times when we discover, through the eyes of visitors, that we live almost “next door” to one of the world’s treasures of nature, Banff National Park. We have extended family members living in England who have visited several times, both summer and winter, and a ‘must see’ location is Lake Louise. Lake Louise is at the foot of a glacier, and in the summer, the scene from the chateau on the edge of the lake is spectacular. There are hiking trails around the lake, a chance to vi... Read More

G – Grace: a Gift from God.
Posted On 08/25/2017 22:59:17 by yourchoice
I’ve been mulling over words for my ‘G’ blog, and these three words, Grace, God, and Gift kept coming back to mind, even during several sleepless nights. What can I write about something that is very dear to me, but may not be the same for others here on The Hill.I am not a gospel preacher, I don’t call myself a Christian (that word has been spoiled by and for too many people), but I am an avid follower of Jesus, God’s Son. I know that God loves me even more than I will ever understand... Read More

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